Theatre On Ice (TOI) is a form of competitive figure skating that is popular in Europe, where it is known as Ballet on Ice. It combines the grace of figure skating with the excitement of theater and dance. Teams consist of between 8 and 30 skaters. Solo skating is discourage, but is permitted in limited amounts if it enhances the overall telling of the program’s story. Skaters, both competitive and noncompetitive, can learn and grow on a theatre team. Best of all, a team can draw club skates together and increase club spirit.
Benefits to the skater:
- Gives the skater more confidence when performing at competitions and shows
- Performances in the RMU Holiday Skating Spectacular, Schenley Park Ice Show and possibly more
- Provides skaters a chance to develop the dramatic side of their skating
- Offers skaters the opportunity to be part of a team while continuing to use their technical skills
- Provides the skater a chance to make new friends both in and out of the club
- Brings an emotional spirit inot the skaters competition and show skating
Practices are at the RMU Island Sports Center and are held on Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 8:50 a.m. After the new year, the schedule will change to Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 8:50 a.m.
For more information, contact Crystal Mekonis at: 412-720-7217 or