Virtual Tests & Testing at Other Clubs

All skaters who are testing at a club that is not their home club (in this case PFSC) need to have a “member in good standing” email (Letter of Permission – LOP) sent to the test chair of the host club, prior to the test deadline. This LOP is required whether taking a virtual test or testing in person at another club.

If you and your coach determine that testing at another Club or a virtual test is necessary, please be sure to send Pittsburgh Figure Skating Club Test Chair Beth Sutton ( su****@rm*.edu ) an email PRIOR to submitting the test so that she can confirm via email with the host club test chair, that you are a member in good standing, if PFSC is your HOME CLUB.  If you are not a full PFSC home club member and you are only an associate member of PFSC, please reach out to your test chair to inquire what your home club test policy is for virtual testing at another club.
When you send the email request for test permission, please be sure to include the following:
  • Skater’s Name
  • Skater’s US FS #
  • Skater’s Coach requesting the test
  • Skater’s Tests to be taken
  • Name of the Host Club 
  • Name  Test Chair
  • Test Chair Email (as listed on the Club or Entryeeze site)
The test chair will email the “member in good standing” email for permission to test.
You will not need to forward the US FS “letter of permission” to the test chair to sign.  The test chairs are fine with an email confirmation of the LOP (letter of permission).
Please know the “member in good standing/”LOP” is required by US FS when a skater is testing at a Club that is not their designated home club.
Please be sure to provide advanced notice to the test chair via su****@rm*.edu so that your email permission gets to the test chair within the deadline of the virtual testing window.  This also is the same for any in person testing at a club other than PFSC.

All tests recorded for submission to a virtual test session are required to include a Virtual Test Placard. The placard must include the skater name, test taken, host club, and date of test. The placard must be held in front of the camera prior to the date (month and day) and time, which is also required. Download a virtual test placard from the U.S.F.S website.